Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Inside Machu Picchu

One of the interesting things to note is that the people who lived at Machu Picchu were of the higher class and were not the ones who built it; workers were brought in. Having made the trip in a bus and climbed just a tiny portion of Inca ruins myself, I cannot even imagine how people were able to get from place to place in these mountains; but they did. The photo on the left shows the "gate" through which the rulers and nobility entered the community.

1 comment:

  1. i love your blog! it makes me want to travel there, and aside fro surf, I never really thought about it, now I am like, "lets live there too!!!" it is amazing to live somewhere like you are as your expeience is so vast and deep...,much better than a two week trip. BUT it is awesome your folks came to visit! how fun! anyway miss ya here in the midst of major decisions, and congrats on your new chair position.
    ALOHA and know i am thinking of you, anneliese
