Sunday, May 17, 2009


Ollantaytambo (fun name!) was our first stop after lunch in Yucay. The town is built on original Inca foundations and is considered to be the best remaining example of Inca town planning. Ollantaytambo is divided into "canchas" (blocks). Each cancha has a huge stone doorway as its one entrance. The doorway leads into a central courtyard, which is surrounded by houses. Gordon - God bless him - opted to climb the steep terrace leading up to the Inca temple area. The steep terracing helped to provide excellent defenses (it obviously kept me away!). He took the photo you see from atop the terrace. Meanwhile, I was wandering around finding some fascinating things in the town. You can get a ride around the rocky, uneven streets in a sort of expanded motorcycle (see photo). I actually saw fancy versions of these things at a Honda dealership in Lima! A great idea. I also stumbled upon a family of ducks hanging out in the town, but they were unlike any ducks I had ever seen at home.

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