Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lunch in Yucay

We stopped in Yucay for lunch, and I just loved this little town! Its name means "bewitchment" (maybe I felt some connection to Salem!). It was so peaceful, with two large, grassy plazas nestled below the Andes and along the Urubamba River. Just standing in one spot you could look around and see the mountains that had been home to the Incans, and the influence of the Spanish in in the town's architecture; for example, the church of Santiago de Apostol you see in the photo. You could just feel and imagine all the different types of people who had come through this town - and who are still coming through as visitors! I took a walk after lunch and had a little "power siesta" on a bench under the tree in the photo - still recovering from my hike to the Pisac ruins!

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