Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Pisac Ruins

Continuing on through the Sacred Valley, we arrived at the Pisac ruins, whose citadel controlled a route connecting the Inca Empire with Paucartambo. Here we got our first glimpse of the Incas' impressive terrace work (for farming), along with the amazing stonework for which they are famous. There are still unexcavated portions of this site at the highest points. Speaking of high, getting to the Pisac ruins was an adventure in and of itself. Our guide let us know that it would be over an hour of some difficult hiking and climbing, and that some of us "might end up coming back to the bus." A little daunting, but off we went! The photo to the left does not even really capture just how long and difficult it was. We were very proud of ourselves for making it - and very exhausted. Those Incas must have been in great shape! :)

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