Wednesday, April 15, 2009

El American Corner de Arica

Tonight I was part of a panel on Fulbright grants at the Universidad. I'm pictured above with my friend Pochy and Gonzolo Alvaros, who runs the "American Corner" in Arica. The U.S. Embassy in Chile has this great program where they set up "American Corners" in libraries in different parts of Chile. The one in Arica is at the university library. It's a special room with shelves of great resources and books in English, and tables where they hold English conversation hours and different kinds of events. We had a huge turnout for this event, and I connected with a student who is interested in applying for a Fulbright to do his master's in teaching ESL in the U.S., so I'm helping him look at our program at Salem State!


  1. your adventures and the intertwining of academia and then vineyards etc is just amazing and awesome. LOVE IT. thinking of you and hoping it is all going very well by you.

  2. sorry, aw..anneliese
    I posted once before anonymously and forgot to sign it...yikes

  3. I wonder if there are still those "Institutos Norteamericanos" I had told you about. Are these American corners a replacement for them? The Institutos Norteamericanos were free-standing buildings.

