Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fulbright Chile

I flew to Santiago for a few days for a meeting of Fulbright delegates in Chile (Chileans who at one time were on exchange in the U.S.) and those of us from the U.S. who are currently in Chile. I am pictured with the Chilean delegates in the photo above at a cocktail reception that kicked off our activities. Unfortunately, shortly after this reception I was struck with some sort of virus or infection that left me feverish and half-functioning for the rest of the trip.I did manage to chat with two directors from the U.S. Embassy in Santiago; they were so nice and their work is so interesting that I almost asked if they had any openings! It was nice to hear about the experiences of other Fulbrighters and offer some suggestions for future exchanges. I was also lucky that the half of me that was functioning was able to make the trip they offered us to a vineyard! (separate post) Never too sick for some good wine! :)

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