Friday, April 10, 2009

The International School of Arica

I made my first school visit today to TISA - The International School of Arica, a Spanish-English bilingual school serving infants and toddlers and grades PK-2 (and expanding each year). In the 3- and 4-year old classroom, Florencia is carefully pasting squares of paper onto a plastic cup to make an Easter basket that will later hold an egg. (They don't dye eggs here, though, and although I brought egg dye from the U.S., I've run into an interesting dilemma in that you can't buy white eggs! Not sure those dyes come out too well on brown...) You'll notice the smocks the kids are wearing, which are part of the school uniform. This school is private and paid for by parents, but school uniforms are the norm in all schools in Chile - private, semi-private, and public.


  1. Michelle,

    I have really enjoyed all of your photos, but the ones of the children are my favorite. Sally

  2. Hi Michelle, I was looking for information regarding schools in Arica and saw your blog. My family and I are moving to Chile this year, and I have a girl who has recently finished kindergarten in the US and I wonder whether you would have any suggestions. Thanks in advance... Dante
