Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vina Casas del Bosque

Last Friday was my first trip ever to a vineyard, Casas del Bosque in the Casablanca Valley outside of Santiago, and I don't know how any other is ever going to compare! I was unable to stop staring at the landscape and felt as if I had stepped right into the pages of an adult fairy tale. We all climbed aboard a tractor-like vehicle with nice benches for a ride through the rows of grapes - sort of an upscale hayride. We were allowed to pull the grapes right off and taste them (for some reason, I had thought that would be forbidden). Juan Solari founded Casas del Bosque in 1993; he was one of the first people to believe that the soil in that region would produce good wine. Casas del Bosque means "Houses of the Woods," and refers to the small abandoned houses in the woods that were formerly on this land, once viewed as poor and of little use. Hard to imagine!

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