Friday, April 10, 2009

El Vino

Our first tasting of wine at Casas del Bosque was outside. Judi, our guide, is swirling a Sauvignon Blanc in the photo below. (Richard Elia, if you're out there, I was the only one in the group holding my glass the way Judi was!) We then went on to visit the production area, with its tanks and barrels. Judi compared the barrels of wine to babies, which need just the right temperature and room to breathe. She made us feel the wood of the barrels to see how porous it was. What struck me was the really strong aroma of fermentation at the production site. Our final tasting was in the living room and dining area (above), which looked like something right out of an interior design magazine. There we tasted a Camanere (a red wine) and then had lunch at the restaurant, Tanino.

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