Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another interesting day! I walked into "el centro" (downtown) because I had to register my temporary resident visa with the city of Arica. The photos you see show the contrasts within the town. Some buildings look very modern and well-kept; others look quite poor - and they're all mixed in together. It's not quite like anything I've seen before. I had been told to go to "Extranjeria y Imigracion" (the place for foreigners and immigrants). After waiting in a long line there, I was told that no, I needed to go to "Investigaciones" (international police headquarters). While trying to find Investigaciones, I mistakenly entered the Appellate Court and the Division of Police Security (apparently different from the police who investigate). Once I found the right place, they told me I needed two photos and copies of my passport and visa; I didn't have those. Fortunately, just around the corner, there was a small tent-like store for foreigners just like me, who were missing these items. I was thrilled! A nice man took photos of me holding a black tray with my name and passport numbers spelled out in white plastic letters - very criminal-like. I returned and registered my visa. I was supposed to continue on to register for my "carnet civil," which will allow me to open a bank account, but I could not deal with it when I saw the line was about 40 people long. Another day! I'm now off to visit Gladys's evening class. I can't wait! No more police for me today! :)


  1. Michelle,

    You've had a taste of "tramites," which almost always involves standing in line, and having the correct documents!

  2. And, I should have mentioned that your pictures are great, and your descriptions as well as photos bring back many memories!

    Try some manjar flavored helado. It's delicious. Manjar is dulce de leche. It was my favorite when I was there, and I miss it!

