Sunday, March 1, 2009

On February 28, at long last - and after a very crazy month! - I left Logan Airport for Arica, a town very, very far north in Chile, just nine miles from the border with Peru. I received a Fulbright grant to be a visiting faculty member at the Universidad de Tarapaca in Arica from March through May. Chile has a new program, "Ingles Abre Puertas" (English Opens Doors), which has the goal of ensuring that all students who graduate from Chilean high schools are proficient in English. I will be helping in this effort by working with a high school teachers who are taking university courses in methods of teaching English as a Foreign Language. In this photo, taken at Logan, the shirt is in honor of my good friend Millie, her daughter Bela, and husband Jeff, who were kind enough to entertain me in Miami during my 8-hour layover there, en route to Santiago.

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