Saturday, March 7, 2009

Saturday, and I am finally catching up on some much-needed rest! However, I did run today for the first time since my surgery - a mile along the Pacific - not a bad way to start back up again! I'm hoping to increase a mile each week up to 3 miles. In the photo to the left, taken from my patio, you can see the ocean; the running path/sidewalk is just on the other side of the fence. In the top photo, my apartment is the one on the corner, right behind the palm trees. I confess to having spent the majority of my day reading and napping by the pool! One funny thing I have discovered is that this apart-hotel hosts a nationwide program called "Vacaciones Tercera Edad" (Tercera Edad = Third Age = Golden Years), so I am surrounded by Chilean retirees. They love to talk, so if I'm not chatting with them, I'm getting to eavesdrop on their conversations and learn lots of vocabulary about medical problems. Ha ha. No offense to my very youthful "Third Age" loved ones out there! :)

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