Friday, March 27, 2009

Puesta del Sol

I have just poured myself a glass of wine and am taking in this view from my patio - sunset over the Pacific. I am unwinding after a day of various stresses over Peru, of all things! I am trying to accompany the Chilean retired folks staying at my hotel on a bus trip over the border tomorrow. The border with Peru is 9 miles away, and our shopping destination of Tacna is about 50 miles beyond that. For some reason the people who run my hotel, who are always very nice and concerned about me, think that I may run into trouble at the border because I have a Chilean visa, but not a Peruvian visa. I cannot imagine that I'm "trapped" in Chile for three months when I have a passport, but at any rate there's some concern that Peru won't let me in - or out! Plan A is for me to show my Chilean I.D. card with all the other Chileans, not open my mouth, and slide through as Chilean. Plan B is that the hotel will send a taxi for me at the border if there's a problem. Can you imagine?! The old folks are NOT going to be happy if the gringa is holding up their trip! :) I also had to exchange pesos for soles (Peruvian money) today and was dismayed to think that I have finally mastered pesos and am now holding totally unfamiliar bills and coins once again. I'm starting to think there's something great about that Euro idea, when you don't have to do all this exchanging! Who can be too stressed looking at that sunset, though...

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