Thursday, March 12, 2009

La Luna

If I get up early enough, I can see the moon like this over the Pacific - not that I'm usually up quite that early! This one I did see, though, and it was incredible. My running in the morning is interesting because of the variety of things I might encounter. Today I saw small groups of men in the Chilean army doing their morning run. The other day I saw a Bolivian man in traditional clothing and hat riding peacefully at the water's edge on his horse or mule (I'm sorry to say that I'm not quite sure of my distinctions there!). Sometimes there are women just like me, out for a run in their spandex and headphones. And ALWAYS there are the dogs - Dogs are generally not on leashes here, and they roam about in groups. Fortunately, the dogs are much more interested in chasing each other than in chasing me!

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