Friday, March 6, 2009

My favorite memory from today: Being scrunched into a taxi colectivo with four other Chileans, the Virgin Mary hanging from the rearview mirror, and Kenny Rogers singing "Lady" on the radio. I always wonder, as I sit in these taxis, who the people are who share this brief moment of contact with me, where they're headed, what their lives are like. And I wonder what they wonder about me. That ride was at the end of a six-hour day at the U, where I attended Part 2 of a faculty workshop on assessment of student competencies, led by a woman from the Universidad de Chile in Santiago. My head is spinning with all of the Spanish terms for outcomes, guidelines, performance levels, monitoring progress - you name it, I heard it today. The content was not new for me at all, but the vocabulary certainly was. I have three notebook pages full of new terms and phrases that I took down as I listened. At the end of the workshop, I took the photo above. Karenina, the presenter from Santiago, is the woman in the dress. My UTA colleagues, from left, are: Jaime, Ani, Monica, Eduardo, Daniel, y Reinaldo.

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