Monday, March 23, 2009

El Cantante

This evening found me listening to Alejandro, the Chilean lounge singer, at the senior citizens' dinner at my hotel - an experience one thinks is unlikely to occur again in one's lifetime. How did this happen? I met a woman my age named Claudia at breakfast; she is here with her parents, who are part of the Golden Years retirement vacation program. I don't normally eat dinner with the seniors, but Claudia invited me, so I accepted. I did not know it was entertainment night! Alejandro appeared during dessert and urged us all to join him in singing what I can only assume are the golden oldies of Latin America. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Alejandro stopped and shouted, "Ola!" (Wave!), and all the old folks had their hands in the air around the table! The evening ended with everyone on the dance floor, and I got to see some very impressive tango moves (the couple you see in one of the photos). Honestly, it was so sweet to see all these couples and groups of friends having such a wonderful time. Oh - and I bought one of Alejandro's CDs as a keepsake. Something tells me they are not in stores. :)

1 comment:

  1. Michelle,

    I am following your blog and it is a delight! Keep up the good work. The pictures are so fascinating.

    Sally Lockhart
