Friday, March 13, 2009

Almuerzo de Bienvenidos

I am stuffed. My department took me out for an "almuerzo de bienvenidos" (welcome lunch) at a restaurant called Lo Nuestro. There was a huge buffet; we ate at 2 pm, and I'm still not hungry at 9 pm! Their specialty is carne asada, which is meat done on an open grill. In addition to the choice of grilled beef, chicken, or turkey, there were a number of side salads and dishes. One dish that I would describe as cold potatoes au gratin was "causa limena," a Peruvian dish. Everything was great, even the chicken kidney I ate without realizing what it was! The photo above shows a part of the group (we were 14 in all). The man to my right is Justo, my co-instructor. Also note the wine glasses. The Chilean wine is fantastic. I'm no wine expert, but it definitely has a really excellent taste. I'm more inclined to go for a second or third glass here than I normally would be!

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