Tuesday, March 10, 2009

El Campus

Today I met with Justo (HOOS-toe) Gallardo, my co-instructor for the course I'll be teaching: Oral and Written English Discourse for future teachers of English as a Foreign Language. I'll be doing the writing part. Justo is a sweet, 50-something man, and I think ours will be a good collaboration. We met over a coffee at the U's cafeteria. The photo above shows more of the campus. I'm still adjusting to the schedule here. At the U, people are there from about 9 am until 1 pm, and then everyone leaves from 1-4 to go home for lunch, siesta, etc. Then people are back at 4 and leave for home at 7. Dinner is no earlier than 9 pm. This all takes some getting used to. I'm going to start leaving for the 1-4 time, which I had not been doing. (That's usually when I'm really on a roll at work at SSC!) But if I work the whole way through and then have to stay until 7, the day is too long. The faculty meeting yesterday was from 4-6 pm, and my head was spinning from so much education talk in Spanish. It is hard to explain the mental fatigue of having to focus so much energy on understanding what people are saying; we take that for granted in our native language. I can feel myself adjusting to the accent, though, and day by day my comprehension is improving.

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