Sunday, March 22, 2009

Los Aleros del 21

Wow - it's been a busy week! The photo shows a group of UTA colleagues at Los Aleros del 21 (The Awnings of 21st Street), said to be Arica's nicest restaurant. We were out on Friday to celebrate the end of a week of assessment workshops that are part of a grant-funded project at the U. In the photo, left to right: Justo, Ani, Aurora, Gladys (Foreign Language Dept. Chair), Mario (Education Dept. Chair), Mayra, and Emilio. The meal was wonderful, but thank God for my colleagues because I am finding that ordering from a menu is one of my biggest challenges! There are so many food-specific words, and here, the words I learned for basic foods are sometimes different. For example, "aguacate," the word I learned for avocado, is used in Mexico, but here it's "palta." They often say "ave" here for chicken instead of "pollo." As a result, it's not uncommon for me to order and not really know what's coming! At dinner, I had "palta primavera," avocado filled with a type of vegetable salad; "plateada," a good cut of steak with a sauce, and "pure de papas" (mashed potatoes). Thank God for mashed potatoes, which I always know how to say in Spanish! :)

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