Thursday, March 5, 2009

As I write this, I am waiting for what I call "Chilean Comcast" to fix the cable TV in my new apartment. They're about as fast as U.S. Comcast! Ha! So I will blog while I wait. I had a really wonderful day from start to finish. I met with Cecilia, the Public Relations Director at the U. She had a photographer and a writer there to do a piece on me for the U's website. Cecilia gave me a beautiful welcome gift of a silver laser pointer/pen that bears the emblem of the Universidad. I was really touched. As for the interview, God only knows what I said in Spanish - I'm hoping for the best! :) Then Gladys took me to the "terminal agro," which you can see in the photo. It is a fabulous marketplace where fresh fruits and vegetables are available at low prices every day: aguacates (avocadoes), mangos, anything freshly grown that you could possibly want. We then went off to "Lider" to stock my fridge and my apartment. I thought Lider was a lot like Wal-mart, which is interesting because Gladys told me that Wal-Mart will soon be running about 40% of Lider stores. Even going to the supermarket is interesting. Yoplait sells mango/papaya yogurt in Chile; this is not a flavor I've seen at home. The fresh bread bins offer many options. Today I went for "hallullas" (ah-you-yahs), which are sort of like biscuits, but thinner and more bread-like. Trying to figure out which milk I wanted for in my coffee was a challenge. I guessed that "semi-descremada" might be 2%, and I think I was right. Chileans don't use cream in coffee, just milk - and there is no Medio y Medio. :)

1 comment:

  1. Michelle,
    The photo of the market looks wonderful and what I noticed in all of your photos is that everything looks so clean. No trash cans on the streets, no debris, colorful, neat and organized. Sorry if that sounds Monk like. As I get older I feel like I am developing OCD with certain things, like organizing....Anyway I wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your blog and love the pictures, make one feel like they are there. Ann Marie
