Monday, March 2, 2009

Today was my first day to visit the university. The photo you see is the main building and houses the "Faculdad de Educacion y Humanidades." My office will be in this building. I met many of the 12 full-time faculty members, who were so friendly and welcoming. The offices are tiny and the building is run-down, but the warmth of the people and their dedication to their academic programs soon become the most apparent things. I met the "decano" (dean). He said, "Me llamo Carlos. You can call me Charlie," as he laughed. He also offered me an office in his area, since the one I have now actually belongs to a professor who comes and goes. I think I'm going to like Dean Carlos! I got to the U in a "taxi colectivo." These are taxis that run in a loop around town. They'll pick up any waving person who will fit in the car, so you end up with strangers - but to go anywhere only costs 75 cents. Not a bad system! I am slowly getting accustomed to calculating prices in my head. One dollar = 600 Chilean pesos, so I remove two zeros and divide by six. A Coca Light costs 1,000 pesos, for example. Tonight I'll eat dinner in the hotel restaurant around 9:00 pm - still a bit early for here; they serve dinner from 8:00 to 11:30 pm. Very similar to what I remember from Spain.

1 comment:

  1. First ceviche, then coca light. What did you find on the dinner menu? How is the fare?
